Entry Information Night Hawk 2015
- Entries to Night Hawk 2015 is done through Eventor: eventor.orientering.no
- Info about Patruljeløpet: www.patruljeløpet.no
To all foreign teams:
- It is mandatory for all foreign teams to fill in the contact form: www.bit.ly/nh2015team.
- Non-Nordic teams pay 50% of the actual price
- Please visit nighthawk.no/accommodation and nighthawk.no/travel. Do not hesitate to contact us via hello@nighthawk.no!
Contact info:
General: hello@nighthawk.no
Entry: entry@nighthawk.no
Accommodation: accommodation@nighthawk.no
Press: presse@nighthawk.no
Night Flash: nightflash@nighthawk.no
Entry fees 2015:
Payment details
Norwegian orienteering clubs: will be invoiced "the normal way".
All other teams (foreign teams and private teams):
- Foreign and private teams (as well as companies and the armed forces) will receive an invoice after entry is made in Eventor. See bank account details below.
- Payment must be done before any start numbers are given out.
- Remember to name a contact for your team, including e-mail address!
Bank information:
- IL Tyrving, Postboks 38, 1300 Sandvika.
- International payment info: IBAN NO90 9235 1725 828, SWIFT KBNONO22.
- Name of the bank: BN Bank, Pb. 2415 Sluppen, 7005 Trondheim
Entries Night Hawk 2015:
Statistics will be published here.