On this page you will find the special rules for Night Hawk.
Our goal is to create a social and prestigious relay. We want it to be super-simple to participate.
Even though we have some special rules, we think they add to the magical orienteering you will experience in Night Hawk. If you have feedback for us it is most appreciated!
“Night Hawk is orienteering at it´s purest. At the same time we have added some magic for you.”
Special Rules:
The gigantic mass-start on Friday night
There are 3 night legs for Women and 4 night legs for Men. The creators of Night Hawk has run first leg at 10Mila and Jukola which is an absolutely exceptional experience. At Night Hawk everyone will get this unique experience!
All night legs start together in a gigantic mass start! If there are 100 Mens team entered there will be 400 runners on the start line(s). That will make Night Hawk bigger than 10Mila!
Start Women: Sunset
Start Men: 10 min later. We believe men should cheer for the Women.
Where is the night start?
Not on the arena! It is a 2-3km jog to the start area.
Why? So we can serve you the best terrain!
A social run to the unknown star area
30 minutes before the sunset: A guide will bring the whole starting field from The Romantic Arena to the start area. It's a social experience, running through the wood to an unknown start place in the forest.
You get a small feeling of the excitement from the ancient times. When orienteering-relays was run from point A to point B. Its a feeling like no other.
Runners can run more than one leg!
In Night Hawk every runner can run 2 legs for her/his team! Double fun :)
A runner can run the night leg on Friday evening, and also the day leg for the same team on Saturday. It is not allowed to run a leg on another team in the same class.
If a runner has citizenship or is in another way connected to a club outside of a Nordic country, this runner can also run a leg for this European club.
No strict rules! Except for the elite-teams
We are not strict on any rules, exept fairpla! Want to run a bit extra for you company-team? Or for your clubs 6th team - go ahead! Just make sure you are trained for it ;) There are no easy courses at Night Hawk!
Participating for an elite team and want to be eligeble for top prices and the Triple? Make sure you follow the rules. Doubling is allowed, but no running in embargoed area before you race.
Orienteering is the pures sport in the world. And the most demanding do master.
Experience Night Hawk with your friends or company!
It is super easy to enter and all you need to do is show up.
When you run for a team like this, or want to help some colleagues experience a true orienteering experience - then Night Hawk is the place to start.
Friday evening: You join the gigantic mass start with the worlds best elite orienteers. But all the 3 (women) or 4 (men) on your team run the same course. Do it as a team challenge - experience the nature at its purest. No trail - just you, your friends and a headlamp!
Saturday morning, but not too early;) : If all of you managed to finish the night legs friday night, then you are eligible to start the chase-start relay on saturday. The courses are the same as the elite, and you can measure your brain and body agains someone who don’t need a track or a chessboard to find their worth. Mother nature will be your judge!
And, dont worry if you fall behind a bit on the long first leg in the day. There will be a huge and social mass start for anyone not finished on saturday just after the Strawberry and Cream Celebration. We make sure you can be there to celebrate the worlds best, and finish your relat with your team - in good time before your own banquett! Orienteers to it in the bush - but also on the dance floor.
If you have a body, your and athlete. - Nike founders
If you have a body and a brain, your are an orienteer. - Night Hawk founders
Punching - Emit Touch-Free (w/EmiTag)
All classes and all legs will use Emit Touch-Free. You will use a EmiTag (wristband) on your hand. When you are within 30cm of the control the light on the EmiTag will flash for 10seconds. When it flashes you can continue to the next control. If it does not flash you have to use backup-punching (in the same way you would with SportIdent).
Info from Emit 1 / Info from Emit 2