Congratulations to all participants of Night Hawk 2014
All orienteers are welcome for a new experience 14th - 16th August 2015
OFFICIAL RESULTS (with split times and leg results)
Welcome back for a new experience 14th - 16th August 2015.
“Det er konkurranser som dette som gjør at jeg elsker å løpe orientering.”
“Everyone should experience orienteering in Norway like this, with top terrain, maps and courses”
Night Hawk in Norway is a true orienteering experience. The history goes back to the 60's, and it was one of the biggest relays in the 70's, together with 10Mila and Jukola.
Everyone in Norway participated, and only the toughest Swedes has finished it. Back then the Finns only heard the rumors of it.
In August 2013 the relay returned; reimagined. SNO and Halden won it, making them the first legends of a new era.
Now everyone can experience Night Hawk. Young and old. Beginners and elite. Groups and individuals.
All the night legs starts on Friday night, in one huge mass-start. The day legs are run as a normal relay with chasing start on Saturday, based on the results from the night legs. Women can have 3 to 6 runners and men can have 4 to 8 runners on each team (because anone can run 2 legs, both night and day).
Don't miss out!
“Not had the chance to enjoy orienteering in Norway? Night Hawk is the solution. A really fun, social and challenging solution! ”