Prizes & Awards
Below we present the different prizes you can win at Night Hawk 2014.
Night legs (Friday)
- Night legs winners: The first runner to the change-over on each night leg will win a Petzl NAO. This hitech headlamp is given out directly after check-out. Remember to smile when we take your picture.
- All night runners: There is a Dumle Snack for everyone finishing their night leg.
- Red Bull will be at the check-in. Make sure you grab a Red Bull can if you feel you need some extra wings before running to the start.
Day Hawk
- Winners of Day Hawk receive a pair of shoes from Icebug and a Night Hawk shirt.
- All kids running Day Hawk will get a ice-cream at the prize giving.
- All teams are awarded a bag with food and candy.
Be sure you are at the prize giving ceremony at 12:45
Night Hawk
- Winners of Night Hawk receive a pair of shoes from Icebug, a Night Hawk shirt and a big bag of food and candy.
- Additional awards are given to women and men teams finishing Top6.
- The strawberry party on the arena is starting before the prize giving ceremony.
The strawberry party opens at 15:30. Prize giving shortly after this.
Visit our sponsor page to see who is contributing to making Night Hawk an extraordinary experience.