Drive to Vestmarksetra, 10min from Sandvika
The route to the parking is marked from E 16 v/Hamang, rett vest for Sandvika.
Arriving from west (Asker/Drammen)? Follow signs to Vestmarksetra.
Free Parking
It is limited parking: Fill up your cars with runners.
Parking is on Vestmarksetra - a big gravel parking area. We have room for 250 cars: Drive together and save energy and the environment! See The Overview Map.
Walk 800m to the Arena
Arenasjefen has put out grus on the sti to The Romantic Arena. You will not get wet walking there.
Take out your race materials
Get to know the arena
The arena should be easy to understand. You will see the way from the last control and the "spurt" when you arrive. Its the supersteep hill with a bridge on the top!
Continue the road up to the plateau, and the info/team materials is the first you see. Pick up your teams start number. Then find the EmiTag-tent (and GPS-tent if you are selected).
Team changes?
Do it in the info-tent
Passing through the arena
Friday: passing through the arena from the same way you walk to the start
Saturday: spectator control on the other side of the andedam/lake
Go to start (friday)
It is 1,6km on roads to the start area Friday. Women leave the arena 21:50. Men leave at 21:55.
Follow Night Hawk LIVE
Send this link to your friends: - it makes it prestigious
Try our soup! Or coconutwater...
In the Kiosk you'll find all you need for race day recovery!
Enjoy the experience...
“Drive together. It is super social! ”
Timing and punching
All teams, Day Hawk and Night Hawk, are running with EmiTag from the organizer and using Touch Free punching at the controls.
Tidtagerbrikke og Emit brikke nummer
Det er ikke nødvendig å legge inn brikkenummer i lagoppstillingen. Alle løpere skal begynne lånebrikke fra arrangør. Disse blir delt ut på arena. Hent lagspose og brikker i god tid.
Brikkene er av typen EmiTag og det er altså Touch Free på Night Hawk. Info og demo om dette bli bli gitt på arena.
Team Lineup Deadline!
Lagoppstillinger must be submitted before 7th August Wednesday 23:59.
It is not necessary to add Emit card number. All runners will use EmiTags. All runners will get these the EmiTag at the arena.
Late entry
Online: until 7th August 23:59
On the arena: probably not possible - do it online!
Central People:
Speaker: Christian Holmboe
Course setter: Rolf Mauritz Pedersen (former Norwegian night champion)
Event director: Lars-Erik Fiskum (920 23 737)
Technical controller: Ivar Maalen-Johansen