Official Night Hawk Trainings 2015
“If you can run fast in Oslo, you can run fast anywhere”
Before Night Hawk you can prepare for the relay with the official trainings. The trainings will be technically demanding - and fun orienteering in beautiful terrain!
Official Night Hawk Trainings 2015:
- Vardåsen
- Dikemark
Also recommended: Visit the "Other o-maps in the area" - section below.
- Vardåsen: (Free to download - 40NOK to use)
- Dikemark: PDF (Free to download - 40NOK to use)
General information:
Before, after and during the Night Hawk relay we offer different orienteering trainings. All trainings are in relevant terrain and the map quality is good.
For all training:
It is possible to reach all the trainings with public transport from downtown Oslo in less than 60 minutes. This webpage will help you:
All maps are in scale 1:10000, 5 meter equidistance and format A4. There will be flags / stripes at the controls.
After 16th of August the controls will be collected.
Download the maps:
You download the three Night Hawk Training maps as PDFs from the Dropbox link below.
- Free to download - 40NOK to use
- Print them on A4, and remember to pay 40NOK per used print!
Need printed maps?
You might also have printed maps from us.
Please contact: e-mail
If you have any questions, controls has disappeared or anything else.
Please contact: e-mail
We offer these trainings as “we trust orienteers”.
For each training you pay NOK 40 to this bank account:
Bank account: 0530 29 17169 / IBAN: NO66 05302917169, BIC: DNBANOKKXXX
! Please use the subject "Maps for Night Hawk Trainings" in the payment.
All the best for the Night Hawk Trainings and see you at the relay!
1. Vardåsen
6,6 km – 20 controls
The map is situated north east of the Night Hawk terrain. Open pine forest and generally good runability. From the top of Vardåsen you have a great view and can see the whole competition terrain. Controls are marked with orienteering flags. Public transport from Oslo Central Station: Regional train to Asker and local train to Gullhella (30min) + 600m walking.
2. Dikemark
9,0 km – 17 controls
Open training in the terraing next to the competition terrain. Controls are marked with orienteering flags. Scale 1:12500.
Public transport from Oslo Central Station: Regional train to Asker and local bus to Dikemark (40 min) + 600m walking.
Suggested Training Program August 2015:
- Tuesday 11th: Arrival. Evening or night training.
- Wednesday 12th: 2 trainings (choose from the official trainings, or the optional trainings below, to custom fit your desire).
- Thursday 13th: 2 trainings (choose from the official trainings, or the optional trainings below, to custom fit your desire).
- Friday 14th: Rest day, enjoy the beach, go to the island, and...
... prepare for the evening and: Night Hawk
Other o-maps in the area
There are many strong o-clubs in the area around Oslo, where Night Hawk is held 2013-2015.
O-Kart kiosken:
Highlight: See O-KARTKIOSKEN! They have a great overview of the almost all the maps. And you can get them online!
LINK (NB: mark the clubs in the menue to the left!)
There are high quality maps all around Oslo! You can choose, or use our recommended options.
Below are links to some of the club map pages:
- Fossum's maps
- Nydalen's maps
- Lillomarka O-Lag (They don't have any info about their maps)
- IL Tyrving
The LMT: La Malédiction Thierry
TG created this course during the summer of 2012. No one from Norway has finished it under 60 minutes. Can you do it under 60 minutes? We bet you can't and will have a reward for everyone who do!
Thierry say it is a "50-minutes course" (june 2013).
Visit the dedicated The LMT-Page!
“The year has started very well with 3 weeks in Portugal and I will try to be in good enough shape to run my course in under 60 mintues!”
A sample from the Thierry course.
The course is 7,4km with 245m climb.
It is a real treat!
The first 5 controls of La Malédiction Thierry
Other o-trainings:
The World Cup courses from 1996, 2009 and 2012.
Night Hawk 2013: Run last years courses
The 30 km course from Krokskogstafetten 2012
We will also be able to serve:
Pure physical trainings
- Tanumvei-døden (see oversiktskart)
- Kolsåstoppen Opp
- Nesøya Rundt
- Triungsvann testen
...and Water